Today is the first day of Lent. The practice of abstaining from a specific joyful activity for 40 days. Not everyone participates, but I think most moms can relate to the sacrifice after going through 40 weeks of pregnancy without alcohol, lunch meat and pooping. I always participate. Except when I was pregnant. Then I […]
Real Moms Share: What We Wish We Could Give Up for Lent
February 13, 2013 71 Comments
Filed Under: Trying to Figure it Out Tagged With: justin beiber, lent, pizza
What I Wish I Could Give Up for Lent
February 21, 2012 24 Comments

I don’t usually start thinking about Lent until Fat Tuesday – it’s just so traumatizing to imagine all the things I could potentially give up for 40 days, like being pregnant all over again, except the days are weeks. But since it’s here, I guess I should get it over with. Most years I hesitantly […]

Filed Under: Trying to Figure it Out Tagged With: bieber, fat tuesday, febreze, lent, motherhood, toddler
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