This is a sponsored post written on behalf of PPL Electric Utilities. All opinions expressed in this post and blog are my own. #ProjectEnvolve #GetEnvolved Has the past year been one of the craziest years of our lives? Yes. We found out just a few months ago that we’re expecting our second child (it’ll be […]
Microwaves, Kill-A-Watts and Grillin’: The Top Tips From My Project Envolve Journey
5 Skills Needed to Parent a Toddler

You know all those baby classes you dutifully attended when you were expecting, the ones where you showed up with your sharpened #2 and 3-ring binder? They were so helpful, right? How to birth, bathe, rock, swaddle, feed the baby. Invaluable lessons for a first-time (or second- or third-time) parent. Well, where the hell is […]

A conversation with my zombie-obsessed husband after I shared the following gem from the New York Times. Me: Whoa!! “Aim for the head“ The husband: Awesome. I sooooo want there to be a zombie outbreak. If you get bitten, I’ll shoot you in the head before you turn into a zombie. Because I love you, […]
How Having Children is Like Living in a Frat House

Ray Romano said it best – having children is like living in a frat house. I have to say, you were spot on, Ray! But you’re missing a few points. No worries. Four years of college provided me with a lot of expertise in areas such as consoling a crying drunk person, convincing your annoying […]
#DecideToDrive Every Time You Get Behind the Wheel

When I’m out and about, I have precious cargo – my 3-year-old daughter – on board. For this reason, I’m a very passive driver. I let those who are in a hurry pass me on the highway, while I carefully creep along in the right lane. At 4-way-stops, I wave people on. No rush here, […]
Bring on the Great Outdoors! A Dove Advanced Care Update
I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Mom Central for Dove. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating. Alright, it’s time for an armpit update. (There’s a sentence I never thought I’d write!) A few weeks ago, I told you about Dove Advanced […]
#SneezingTime: 5 Ways to Avoid the Sniffles This Allergy Season

The following is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. A few weeks ago, I wrote about seasonal allergies and how the folks at Angel Soft® have prepared me for #SneezingTime with some help from their allergy survival kit. Of course, the kit included some Angel Soft Facial Tissue. If you are susceptible to […]
Softer Underarms in Just Three Days with Dove Advanced Care

I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Mom Central for Dove. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating. Do you think men ever have to worry about how their underarms look? I’m willing to bet 99 percent of guys probably don’t. Women, on […]
Cooking Up the Ultimate Mother’s Day Gift (With a Little Help From HoneyBaked Ham)

This post is sponsored by HoneyBaked Ham. All opinions are my own. With Mother’s Day approaching, I like to take some time to think about how moms really are the unsung heroes of any household. It’s true! I never truly appreciated everything my mother did for my brother and me – you know, the daily […]
A Kids’ Alarm Clock That Helps Parents Get More Sleep? (YES!)

I received product samples to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own. On most nights, our three year old wakes up around 2 a.m. and won’t go back to sleep until we bring her into bed with us. I’m also the only one who’s allowed to put her to bed, which usually involves a […]

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