Let me begin by admitting that I’m not what you’d call an “expert” baker. Oh sure, I can whip up a batch of ready-to-bake chocolate chip cookies and I’ve made a pumpkin pie or two for Thanksgiving but I’m no Martha Stewart. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the challenge of using that big, hot […]
Showing Off My Baking Skills with Cool Whip Frosting
October 18, 2012 35 Comments
Filed Under: For the Sweet Tooth Tagged With: cake, cool whip, Cool Whip Frosting, Cupcake, Dessert, Frosting
April 12, 2012 7 Comments

After having my daughter, losing weight was easy. No sleep. No time to eat. Breast feeding. Trudging up the steps 20 times a day to clean up yet another blowout. Not to mention the incredible anxiety eating away at me about caring for this tiny, fragile little being. But after a while, the anxiety began […]

Filed Under: Trying to Figure it Out Tagged With: cake, exercise for moms, weight loss for moms
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