The following is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
A few weeks ago, I wrote about seasonal allergies and how the folks at Angel Soft® have prepared me for #SneezingTime with some help from their allergy survival kit. Of course, the kit included some Angel Soft Facial Tissue.
If you are susceptible to pollen during allergy season (like I am), the following tips should help you fight the sniffles BEFORE they happen.
- KNOW YOUR POLLEN COUNT – Websites like offer pollen and mold levels for just about every region. Remember: pollen levels are highest one warmer, dry, windy days, which means cooler, wet, less windy days are usually safer.
- ROCK SOME BIG SHADES – Oversized sunglasses (especially on windy days) not only makes you look cool, it can also help keep pollen from getting into your eyes.
- STAY CLEAN – Rinse your eyes in the morning and wash your hair at night if you’ve been outside for a while on high pollen days. This will help keep pollen from getting on your pillow at night.
- CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES – If you’ve been outdoors on high pollen days, change your clothes after you get home to avoid spreading pollen throughout your house.
- SKIP THE GEL – If you use hair gel, which can act like a pollen magnet, you might consider skipping it on high pollen days. To keep pollen out of your hair, you might even consider wearing a hat.
Of course, if you can’t avoid allergies – or if you find yourself with a summer cold (some people get them, but I don’t … knock on wood) – you can always pick up some Angel Soft Facial Tissue to help get you through the sniffles.
Like I said in my previous blog entry, Angel Soft’s Facial Tissue has all of the strength and softness of their bath tissue, but in a tissue designed for noses. It’s made with two layers and it comes in a lotion and non-lotion options. Bonus: the lotion option is made with THREE layers, making it Angel Soft’s softest and strongest facial tissue.
Feel free to check out the Angel Soft website for more info and tips. While you’re there, don’t forget to download the coupon! You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter. While you’re there, don’t forget to follow and use the hashtag #SneezingTime to join the conversation!
And also don’t forget to watch the video below to learn how to turn a stuffed animal into a tissue dispenser!

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