This is a sponsored post written on behalf of PPL Electric Utilities. All opinions expressed in this post and blog are my own. #ProjectEnvolve #GetEnvolved
Spring cleaning. Call me crazy, but I kinda love it. The breeze blowing through the open windows, the lemony-fresh scent of cleaning solution in the air, and no more dust bunnies under the couch. (I could hear them scurrying around under there all winter!)
In our house, “Spring Cleaning 2016” went a little something like this: I tackle the living room and bedrooms while my hubby works hard on the bathroom, garage and landscaping (that’s some of his handiwork above). How you divide up the work in your home is up to you, but remember this: a good cleaning can actually save electricity (and money) in the long run.
Below are the top five ways to make that happen. As always, this entry and the valuable tips it includes is brought to you by the folks at Project Envolve, which is sponsored by PPL Electric Utilities. Seriously, if you haven’t visited the Project Envolve website yet, you definitely should!
OPEN WIDE! – If the weather is nice enough, get those windows open to create a nice breeze that cools your home naturally, not electrically.
SWITCH YOUR FANS – In the winter, your ceiling fans should rotate clockwise to push rising, warm air downward. In the summer, they should rotate clockwise to pull cooler air upward. Look for a little switch on your fan to make this energy-saving adjustment.
LET THERE BE LIGHT! – When the sun is out, open your blinds and let Mother Nature light your home instead of using valuable electricity.
TUNE UP YOUR AC – If you have an AC – either one of those big units on the outside of your house or window units – give the filters a cleaning and have the big unit serviced. The result can lower your cooling system’s energy consumption by up to 15 percent!
FIRE UP THE GRILL! – This is my husband’s favorite part of the spring and summer season. Grilling outdoors keeps warm air from your oven out of your home and saves electricity. Plus, you have to admit, a burger cooked on the grill tastes WAY better than one cooked on the stove!
Once all of that is done, plus a long list of other dusting, scrubbing, wiping and polishing, you’ll be ready to sit back, relax and fire up that grill. We’ve got pineapple chicken kebabs (pictured above) on the menu tonight. Yep, the house is clean, the hubby is doing the cooking, and life is good!
For more money and energy-saving tips, check out PPL Electric Utilities’ Pinterest boards.

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