I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Little Remedies. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
If you take the time to look at the ingredients on some of the things you eat (and I highly recommend that you do), you’d be shocked to learn what’s really in your food. The solution, of course, is to purchase all natural or organic foods. No long lists, just simple ingredients. Problem solved, right? Well, sort of.
I’ve always tried to choose all natural foods whenever possible, but most people don’t realize that the same crazy lists of ingredients can also be found in the medicines we give our children. Ironic, isn’t it? The things that are supposed to make our kids feel better are actually loaded with all sorts of stuff that they probably shouldn’t be ingesting.
That’s why I’m happy to join Little Remedies’ “Say Yes to Less” campaign, which stresses that less is more when it comes to childrens’ medication. It’s a promise that Little Remedies adheres to with all of their medication. Like it says on their website, Little Remedies medications “contain only what’s needed to make your child feel better. That means no dyes, no artificial flavors and no alcohol, ever.”
That philosophy is pretty important to me and it’s one reason I’ve been a Little Remedies user ever since our three-year-old was a newborn. It’s also why I’ve decided to officially take the Little Remedies “Say Yes to Less” pledge by saying yes to less yucky stuff in our medicine, but also by saying yes to less of other things in my life. Check out my pledge video below for a better idea of what I mean.
You can take the pledge too on the Little Remedies “Say Yes to Less” website. You can say yes to less sugar, less waste, less smartphone distraction, less negativity. It’s completely up to you! For every pledge received, Little Remedies will make a donation to Make a Wish Foundation. So not only will you be improving your own life by taking the pledge, you’ll also be improving the lives of others!

i like your philosophy…. 😀
I use Little Remedies with my little one. It gives me peace of mind that they are dye, and alcohol free.
That is a great campaign! We really are loading ourselves up with these chemicals that our bodies can’t handle. Most of the time it’s really a matter of price point though, that organic fruit costs way more than the gmo ones…and those natural medicines cost a great deal more than the store brand. It is however, very important to get away from those chemicals! Thanks for sharing this, I have a few friends with little ones who will love it.
we avoid chemicals whenever possible in our house. medical and otherwise
A unique and very good campaign. i love the concept and the name say yes for less.
I love little remedies. It was the only thing we used when my son was a baby and it always seemed to help him!
I swore by Little Remedies for my little guys! My oldest has belly issues and their Gripe Water worked amazingly for him!
That is so scary. I never thought about anything harsh being in their medicine. Thanks for sharing!
I love anything without chemicals and that is all natural. I love your philosophy too. I use little remedies all the time for little ones, and its one that most moms prefer. Thanks for sharing
I like that more companies are jumping aboard the less creepy chemicals band wagon. It’s better for everyone! Especially when it comes to kids!
I like Little Remedies products, I always try to keep some on hand just in case of the kids gets sick
I’ve used Little Remedies ever since my son was born. I especially like the honey cough syrup.
I love lil remedies. It’s one that I keep for Madison because I don’t like too many chemicals either. Great review.
I have saw this in the store before. I will definitely have to check this out.
I have seen this brand but was unaware that they are healthier medications! I like the Yes to Less campaign idea 🙂 I will buy this brand for my son.
We have been using Little Remediies for years!
Awesome campaign. I will try it! Thanks
Thanks for this. I agree with you about the products. I am constantly reading labels, if he has more than 5 ingredients I don’t buy it normally. I’ve gotten more and more natural about things I give to my son. Thanks for this!
This is probably something a lot of people don’t think about when buying medicine. Great campaign!
You instill a way to make this simple, which is much needed in this very complicated society. Thanks for taking the time to explain how to use this product.
I agree with your philosophy– thanks for sharing this product!
I have to agree that Less ingredients on a label, and ones that I can read is key. we are slowly easing out junk food.
I adore Little Remedies products! I use them all the time when my little ones get sick.
I love their Say Yes to Less campaign. I pledged to say yes to less negativity!
Little Remedies are great I am so anti chemicals…a firm believe less is more!
We love Little Remedies in this house! So much better than the other brands!
I have used Little Remedies on my kids for years. They really are the best.
We already love Little Remedies! Thanks for the review
Little Remedies is one of my first choices when it comes to OTC meds for my kids. I love that they are made just for them!
We love Little Remedies, they make the best products.
What a great pledge and idea… We loved Little Remedies, especially their Little Noses Spray…
I love little remedies. I used them all the time with my kids
I’m lucky, my kids rarely get sick *knock on wood* so we don’t medicate often. I don’t have much for children’s medication in the medicine cabinet because usually they have a cold or flu, both viruses, and aren’t going to be helped much with medicine. Good old hydration and sleep have helped us. I’ll admit, I do use some Vics every now and then, but we only need it once or twice a year at most.
I’ve never heard of little remedies. Thanks for the info!
Less is more in any product or food for me. It I can’t pronounce it, I don’t use it.
We use lots of Little Remedies in our house! Too bad I dont have something to tell my 2 year old that YES it IS bedtime. He is kicking the wall in his room. HA
I completely agree with the mindset that Less is More, especially when it comes to medicating our children!
I love Little Remedies. It just works.
I have not heard of this company before, but love feeding and living with less.
We love Little Remedies!
You know how much I love video! Great use of video in your blog post. Love it. -Deborah
I ALL FOR less yucky stuff in medicine! I can’t imagine why other brands put it in there in the first place.
I really love all their products and I use it with my boys. I can’t say enough good things about it.
We used Little Remedies all the time when my guys were little. Love this campaign. I have already made my pledge. So glad they are donating to Make a Wish, wonderful charity.
I love Little Remedies. So glad it doesn’t have the yucky stuff in any of it.
I pledged to give no high fructose corn syrup!
I so agree that the more natural the better! I don’t even want all that ucky stuff myself so I sure wouldn’t give it to my kids.
We have used these before and they work great.
Seems like a great campaign and philosophy to live by. I like that their products have no dyes, no artificial flavors and no alcohol.
love this brand, I use them too because of the more natural approach!
Great product! It always pays to read the label. My pediatrician is also an advocate of naturopathic healing and suggests some herbs and fruits as a way of treating a simple ailment. I am happy that there is a company that is concerned about the harmful effects of chemicals in medicine.
As much as possible, we try to be natural on everything, especially food.
cool campaign. im sure we all want something with less remedies and less
I received a supplement marketed towards children yesterday and the ingredients shocked me. Little Remedies sounds like they are keeping things to a minimum as much as possible.
I agree with your philosophy!
I haven’t seen this product yet so I will have to look the next time I am out.
I wish I had used this for my son. He’s now 14, but he did take children’s versions of medications after he fell off the dosage chart. He refused to take pills. Maybe it was a sign that I missed. I’m definitely going to take a look around my medicine cabinet to see if we can begin replacing items with more natural, less altered with icky ingredients solutions.
It’s so nice that there aren’t all those additives and icky things in Little Remedies.
I just started using little remedies I bought their gripe water for my 2 mos old baby.. I so love this product it works so fast with in 15 mins.. I reccommend it to everyone
We’ve used little remedies for years…and love them!
We LOVE little remedies products we have been using them for 15 years!