This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Clorox blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.
Have you ever encountered a mess that defied explanation? If you have kids, the answer to that question is a resounding YES!
I find and/or step in those messes on a daily basis. A living room that looks like a Toys ‘R Us threw up all over it (10 minutes after I cleaned it). A mysterious sticky substance all over my iPhone. Some sort of crusty blob stuck to the butt of my jeans (which I usually notice AFTER I’ve been shopping for three hours).
If there’s anyone who knows a thing or two about unexplainable yuck, it’s the folks at Clorox. They’ve got a product from just about any situation – from toilet bowl cleaners to disinfecting wipes to sprays. And now, with a little help from yours truly, they’ve got a dictionary to help you explain those messes.
The Clorox guide to gross stuff is called the Ick-tionary. It captures the icky everyday and over-the-top situations that everyone can relate to, especially parents! What’s nice about the Ick-tionary is that the words and definitions are created by the moms and dads who are in the trenches cleaning up those messes.
Clorox reached out to me a few months ago and asked me to submit a few words to be included in the first edition of the online Ick-tionary. Faced with such a fun and therapeutic task, I immediately accepted the challenge. My contributions to the Ick-tionary include:
Muckrowave: The gradual transformation of the inside of a microwave oven into something resembling a horror movie prop.
(EXAMPLE: “Honey, I’m pretty sure the muckrowave needs cleaned, because I just found a piece of dried spaghetti in my oatmeal.”)
Grubfitti: Greasy fingerprints on walls, windows and other household surfaces left by toddlers with hands that haven’t been washed since lunchtime.
(EXAMPLE: “The grubfitti on the front of my stainless steel refrigerator looks strangely like Elmo … if Elmo had three arms and was made of chicken nugget grease.”)
Of course, there are many other messy words in the Ick-tionary. Words like “foop” (when a baby steps in a poopy diaper and then tracks it all over the floor), “fridge-a-mortis” (when liquids in your veggie drawer harden over time), and “petrifries” (week-old French fries found stuck in your toddler’s high chair).
Feel free to visit the Clorox Ick-tionary to check out the entire list. While you’re there, you can sign up to receive a coupon for 75 cents off any Clorox product (while supplies last). You can also submit your own words and interact with the words by playing fun games for a chance to win a $25 prize. Of course, Clorox is also more than happy to help you clean up the foop, fridge-a-mortis or grubfitti by offering all sorts of anti-ick cleaning tips!
This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Clorox blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.

This sounds super cool. I am going to check this out now.
I love the icktionary!
My son is 16 and he still makes messes. Love the funny terms.
I heard the term icktionary on another blog and will be adding that to my daughter’s vocabulary! It fits her perfectly.
I will definitely be checking it out! Thanks for the greaet review!
We are big fans of Clorox in this household!!!
love the words you came up with. Kids makes such messes
When I read the words at the top of your post, I was thinking – ‘maybe I’m reading this wrong’; lol. Yes, the dictionary would be welcome in my home, because there has to be a host of words to describe what my children create. In my daughters bedroom ALONE there is a whole possibility of new words waiting to join the ranks!
wow.. i think this is the kind of product that I have been looking for. Thank for the introduction. 🙂
Love it!.. sounds cool and fun!.. Love the term “petrifries” .. 🙂 thanks for sharing!
This post made me laugh so hard. Love the definitions. Sadly we have several of the above in our house!
Hahaha – those are great. It’s like.. grossology! 🙂
haha! The works in the icktionary make me laugh!!
My cat makes the biggest mess it our house!
LOL Those are hilarious! I have Muckrowave a lot around here 🙁