I’m probably dating myself a bit, OK a lot, but who remembers pulling the Spiegel catalog out of the mailbox and happily spending an entire afternoon folding down the pages of all the things you’d be begging your parents for later? Spiegel was THE catalog of the 80s and 90s. Now you don’t have to wait for the catalog! Spiegel lives on in the digital world and they’re still as fashionable and affordable as ever.
Spiegel started out as a small family-owned store in mid-1800s Chicago. Because a mail order system did not exist yet, Spiegel issued it’s first catalog in 1888 to lure people into the store – pretty innovative, don’t you think? It wasn’t until 1905 when Spiegel began it’s mail order operations and by 1906, Spiegel’s mail order sales had reached nearly $1 million. Today, Spiegel is a multi-billion dollar corporation. And for good reason.
From the office to the beach, Spiegel has everything that will keep you stylish without breaking the bank. Though they’re known primarily for their clothing line – which includes everything from dresses and pants to sweaters and tank tops — one glance at their website will show you that they also have a gorgeous selection of shoes (want this!), handbags (want this!), and jewelry (want this!).
While you’re there, be sure to check out their new summer styles. I had a hard time narrowing this list down to 3, but here are a few of the pieces I am loving right now.
Plus, they’re having a huge sale on pants and shorts, and well, who doesn’t love a sale?
For more styles like these, check out Spiegel’s website or find them on Facebook.
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My wife would love that blue and white dress. Hopefully she doesn’t see this blog entry, because I guarantee she’ll be doing some shopping if she does!
I used to love getting the big Spiegel catalog and leafing through it!
I love Spiegel – I order from them quite a bit. They never disappoint me – the items I order are just as beautiful as they are in the catalog!
Wow their clothes are really cute!! I love the trouser pant and the blue and white dress. I also saw the cutest black dress on their website. I never have time to look through catalogs…I am so happy to know I can order directly online (something I can do at work! tee he he!…they get suspicious when you actually pull out a catalog while you are “working”). Thanks for the info! Love your blog!
LOVE the blue and white dress! Now i have to go looking for it lol
I had totally forgotten about Spiegel!! Thanks for reminding me… I must go check out their website… NOW 🙂
I too spent many afternoons drooling over the Speigel catalog! It looks as if they still have great clothes! Thanks for reminding me about Speigel!
I use to love looking through the Spiegel catalog, they always had such cute clothes. I had forgotten about them.
I love the dresses, and am always looking for great summer dresses. I live in Las Vegas and like to dress in cool summer dresses and outfits. It’s the only way to survive. I would love a catalog. I’ll have to go over to their site and order one.
Thanks Momma! I need a style update….BaDly…so I’m definitely going to check it out! You’re just so informative 🙂
Gorgeous picks! Though pretty sure I would get spit-up, dirt or pee on any of them in under an hour…maybe someday and will dream in the meantime…;)!