I was recently asked to add some of my “homemaking expertise” to a website called HomeMadeSimple.com. The site features short articles written by moms just like me on a variety of helpful topics.
Recipes? They’ve got ‘em. Tips on organizing your garage? Yup. Scrapbooking advice? Check. Need inspiration for planning a graduation party? They’ve got that, too.
And now, thanks to my contribution to the site, they’ve also got an in-depth article on how to tackle everyone’s favorite cleaning task – the toilet. Oh sure, I could have chosen to write about any number of other things, but as any mommy blogger will tell you, when you get a chance to write about cleaning up poop, you have to take it.
Feel free to check out the article for yourself here and leave a comment below with your personal toilet-cleaning tips. And yes, “Buy a new toilet every two months” is a perfectly acceptable solution.

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