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It’s flu season and, as I write this, I think I’m coming down with something. That means I’ve got three days to kick whatever the heck I’ve got before Turkey Day at my parents. Nothing a bottle of merlot (or two) can’t fix, right?
Actually, I’m pretty sure it’s NOT the flu – probably just exhaustion from a very busy week and weekend – but a really nasty cold did rear its congested head in our house earlier this year. It started with our three-year-old and quickly spread to my husband and me. It was a real doozie, but it reminded me of the importance of simple cold and flu precautions during this time of the year.
Speaking of precautions, required reading for all moms this flu season is Elizabeth Pantley’s ebooklet, “A Parent’s Guide to Flu Season.” If the name sounds familiar, it’s because Elizabeth is also the author of “The No-Cry Sleep Solution” and someone I interviewed right here on this blog last year.
You can read Elizabeth’s entire flu booklet on Facebook. It includes a ton of awesome info about how to beat the flu, including sections on why children are more vulnerable to flu germs, a chart comparing cold and flu symptoms, the importance of flu vaccines and, of course, tips for preventing the flu.
Below are three of MANY helpful tips you’ll find in “A Parent’s Guide to Flu Season”:
- ELIZABETH ON HAND WASHING: “When it comes to hand-washing, the type of soap and the temperature of the water are not as important as the technique and length of time spent washing.”
- ELIZABETH ON DISINFECTING: “One final way to distance your children from flu germs is to clean and disinfect your home and the germ-laden surfaces and items that you touch.”
- ELIZABETH ON CAPTURING GERMS: Instead of sneezing into hands or sleeves, “the best technique is to get your child in the habit of keeping a tissue in his or her pocket.”
Below is a helpful infographic from Elizabeth Pantley that offers a peek at the “A, B, C’s of Flu Prevention.” Bookmark it, print it, memorize it. Do whatever you need to do to have a safe and healthy flu season!

I get a flu shot yearly and it seems to work pretty well. Once in awhile I get a cold but hardly ever have I gotten the flu since getting the shot.
Thanks for the useful tips. I will apply some of these.
My husband just got his flu shot but I think my daughter and I are going to opt out this year. The infographic is great though! Hand washing is definitely important in preventing the passing of flu causing germs.
We usually all get our flu shots 🙂
My hands are so tried out right now because I over wash them!! I have 2 little boys in the house and want to make sure I don’t bring any germs in 🙂
These are all great tips thank u for sharing
I am going a bit NUTS with people caughing into their hands and touching everything in public!!! Thanks for sharing this info – WASH YOUR HANDS PEOPLE! And can we ban Hankies? LOL
Love these tips! My daughter is in daycare and my son is in Kindergarten – It is so easy for them to catch all these germs. I am constantly telling my son to wash his hands often! Can’t do much with my daughter since she is 19 months but when we are home I take her so she can start forming a habit.
Thanks for the tips!
Ever since I started working with parents of many small children, I’m getting colds from them all the time…. it just spreads from the kindergartens, to the parents, to the coworkers!
You reminded me to make the appointment for the kids flu shots. They’re going to be so excited…NOT! But at least they’ll be well. I rely on other bloggers to jog my memory, thank you.
I should have read this a week ago. I’m sitting here with a stuffed up nose. 🙁
I love the infographic (pinned it!). Definitely going to check out Elizabeth’s flu booklet. I work in an elementary school and the stomach flu has already started making its rounds.
great tips. I really hope nobody in my family gets the flu this winter or at all
This is a wonderful infographic. However, I do not get the flu shot. The one year I did get it I caught the flu.
WE just got through our first rounds of colds this season. It was pretty mild and I hope it is a sign of whats to come for the rest of the year! These are great tips ! Thanks for sharing!
I am going tomorrow to get my flu shot, I keep forgetting and just need to get it down. I will also stock up on hand sanitizer while there.
Since leaving the Army I haven’t done the flue shot…probably why I don’t feel so good at times, Thanks for sharing!
These are great tips. I always get my flu shot. One of the most important things you can do is wash your hands before putting them on your food or face.
Flu seasons sucks. All of us here refuse to get a flu shot but we try to take precautions if someone seems to be coming down with something. The only good thing about being sick is you actually get an excuse to lay in bed and watch your favorite shows all day long.
My only issue with the tissue in the pocket is that I’m not a pocket checker (I know, I know) when it comes to laundry and tissue is the biggest reproducer EVER when it hits the dryer.
hand washing is always tough for along time with my toddler – she hates soap! I found a good solution is to let her use my special ‘fancy soap’, then she feels special 🙂 Thanks for the tips!
Usually I would get the flu shot but this year i’m going to skip out on. Once the the virus is injected in me I always, always get sick. This year i’m thinking with proper precaution I might not catch the flu. #wishfulthinking
Great tips! My son is Type 1 diabetic so we all have to get flu shots & it seems to work. Also Lysol wipes are my best friend during flu season 🙂
These are all great tips. Following them will help my family!
So important to wash your hands and teach little ones to do the same.
I had the flu over last week and the weekend. It was terrible 🙁
Thanks for sharing. We personally don’t vaccinate against the flu, but it’s good to know that there is info out there for people who would do it.
We did a round with the flu last year and it was not fun! There is nothing worse than watching your child get sick and just not being able to do anything but let it run its course. :-/ Definitely trying better to avoid it this year.
I don’t take flu shots simply because I am scared of needles. Yes, go ahead and say it-that I am a chicken lol But these are all great information to fight flu this year. bookmarking 🙂 Thanks.
we don’t do flu shots but we are big on hand washing, vitamins and getting lots of rest!
These are great tips, thanks for sharing. I also like that this is a gentle reminder that I am due for my flu shot soon.
these are some great tips, I will surely use them, thanks so much.
Great tips- we are way to easy to get sick. Thanks!
We are right in the middle of a stomach bug that’s tearing through our house! I’m disinfecting with Lysol spray as I can…is there anything else you’d recommend using?
I always feel like the flu vaccinations don’t help. You’re trying to avoid the flu but it actually gives it to you. oh well. Rest are great tips though!
Fantastic advice! nice to know!
Ok, my first hope is that no one gets the flu, but this is very helpful to reach that goal (hopefully).
Love Elizabeth Pantley! These are excellent tips. Thank you 🙂
Really good tips thank you so much for sharing. I usually have to get the boys a flu shot every year and that works, for me I am the one who gets the flu. 🙁 SO I really appreciate the advice
Love this information. Not a huge fan of the flu vaccine but I think tips B and C are great :).
Proper hand washing is so important! My daughter was sent home from school twice this month..so many germs going around.
The germs are out and about. I am a nurse and will agree that hand washing is our first defense against cold and flu. Great tips, thanks.
Thanks so much for these tips! I know we will need them this winter!
Great Tips!!! We do a lot of hand washing and hand sanitizer (my 6 year old calls it magic soap)
I have been getting the flu shot every year for the past 10 years, but still ended up with the flu last winter and one year ended up with inactive vaccine from a bad batch. Still, getting the vaccine is still your best bet to make it through the winter without getting sick.
Those are some great tips. I spend a lot of time during the winter making sure my hands are washed.
Thanks for the tips! I need to pick up some more of the little tissue packets for everyone.
Ugh, flu season! I think it is the most dreaded time of the year around here! Thanks so much for all of the tips that you shared. I
I hate Flu season. The whole family gets sick at least once!
This year I opted to not get the flu shot, but I think most of these are great tips to prevent it!
We almost lost a 12yo cousin last year to encephalitis from the flu, so we are VERY careful now.
Thanks for the great tips. I usually try to make sure we all get flu shots.
Great tips especially hand washing!
Definitely going to implement some of your ideas! I am a teacher and I haven’t been sick in years…..guess my immunity is built up!!
Around this time, I’m always reminding my family to wash their hands. With 7 of us living under one roof, we really don’t need to catch the flu!
Thanks for all the helpful tips. I am really hoping to NOT catch the flu or even a bad cold for that matter, if I can help it.
Thanks for sharing these tips! I will do almost anything to avoid getting the flu! Yucky!
Planning ahead is so important! With proper pre-care, flu is a lot harder to catch. Great post!
I hate the flu!
It is very important to pay attention to cleanliness and germs during cold and flu season!
I dread flu season every year 🙁 Thanks for the great tips, maybe we can avoid it this year!
I try to prevent it with prayer, hand washing and giving my kids Silverbotics. Thank you for the tips!
Very important tips… I just got my flu shot a week ago. I hate getting sick.
Ugh. Flu season. And now that my son is in preschool, I’ll definitely be referring back to this!
I’ve never gotten a flu shot but I will remember this!
We don’t do shots, we rely on vitamins, but great tips. We are big on hand washing… trying to gt that into my 4 year old though, she’s the tough one haha. I’m constantly reminding her!
We got the flu vaccine – I got it and my daughter just got her mist yesterday. My son didn’t get his yet, waiting for his appointment. We do a lot of washing and a lot of cleaning. I cannot afford to be down with the flu.
Excellent information, thank you for sharing. I did get my daughter her flu shot a few weeks ago, but I haven’t gotten one for myself yet.