I’m Dreaming of an Energy Efficient Christmas: Five Ways to Cut Energy Costs this Winter

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This is a sponsored post written on behalf of PPL Electric Utilities. All opinions expressed in this post and blog are my own.#ProjectEnvolve #GetEnvolved

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Remember earlier this year when I wrote a not-so-subtle open letter to my husband about summer energy-saving tips? Well, it worked. He got the message, and this summer’s energy bills were a full 15 percent lower than last year’s bills. Now it’s time for chapter two: winter energy savings.

Just like in the summer, when my husband used to keep the house at a frigid 70 degrees, he goes to temperature extremes in the winter by keeping our home at a toasty 76-78 degrees. That’s way too warm, especially if you use electric heat. Making that adjustment to your thermostat is also just one of the many ways you can bring your electric bills down when the temperature outside goes down, too.

The following tips are brought to you with a little help from the folks at Project Envolve, which is sponsored by PPL Electric Utilities. Feel free to pass them along to your spouse, kids or not-so-energy-savvy friends and then sit back and watch as the savings pile up.

  1. Keep the thermostat set to a reasonable temperature. It’s winter…throw on a sweater or slippers if you’re too cold. And turn down your thermostat even lower at bedtime and when you’re not home during the day.

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2. Make sure your fans are rotating clockwise to force warmer air down.

3. Use the sun to your advantage. Open curtains on south facing windows to allow sunlight to heat up your rooms naturally. Then close them at night to trap heat inside.

4. Replace your furnace filter monthly to ensure it’s working at its full advantage.

5. Use LED lights this Christmas when decorating. LED lights use 75% less energy than regular lights. Click the photo below for a cute tutorial.

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And that’s it. Five tips to reduce your energy bills this winter. Now it’s up to you to put these tips into action and make sure other in your home do the same. How much will you save? Maybe not enough to finally take that trip to Hawaii (where the word “winter” doesn’t exist), but enough to buy a few bathing suits for a trip to the beach!

For more money and energy-saving tips, check out PPL Electric Utilities’ Pinterest boards. And for eligible PPL customers who might need assistance with your electric bill, PPL has a special bill help program that can definitely help. For even more money-saving tips, click here.

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  1. […] You can save energy during the summer, and you can also saving energy during the cold winter months. Do this right now: Check your furnace filter and replace it if it’s dirty. Then send yourself a reminder to do that at least every other month. (Source: “I’m Dreaming of an Energy-Efficient Christmas”) […]

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