It’s finally up! Motherhood Mishaps, the Motherhood on the Rocks forum where anything goes.
Wanna complain about how your husband dressed your daughter for daycare…sans pants? There’s a forum for that. Or need to vent about the annoying woman with EIGHT kids in Target turning your shopping experience into an obstacle course that makes you feel like you’re in a real-life game of Frogger? There’s a forum for that. Or feel the need to own up to the many reasons you just KNOW you’re kids will end up in therapy in 15 years? Oh yes, there’s a forum for that!
Head on over to Motherhood Mishaps and share your screw ups. Or annoying rulers of the shopping aisle, or your husband, or even … your mother-in-law. To prove that I’m far (far!) from perfect, I’ve kicked off the conversation by posting my own recent Motherhood Mishap. My husband did, too. Please don’t judge me … but feel free to judge him.

So fun!
Very applicable with having both an 8 mo. old and a 2 yr. old, BUT…also discouraging 😉 Will probably be about 5 yrs. before I get regular sleep. Think I’d better check out some of these books! 🙂
What a cute idea! Thanks for sharing about it on #findingthefunny last week!