So, you want to be a writer, huh? I know what you’re saying: “No, I want to be a blogger.” Well, guess what? In a world in which WordPress is the new Random House, it’s pretty much the same thing. In fact, some would argue that it’s harder to create a successful blog than it is to publish a book. And maintaining a really successful blog? That’s like penning a New York Times bestseller. A person could write 100 different blog entries, each packed with different blog writing tips, but the tip I’m going to focus on today is writing from the heart. That’s because the most successful blogs don’t just cover a specific topic, they form relationships between the blog readers and the blog writer. And the strongest relationships come from the heart.
If you’re blogging, it’s safe to assume that you’re doing it to connect with other people. That’s good, because blogging is a conversation about shared interests and sharing our own unique perspectives. And if you want to connect with others, you need to write from your heart and you need to write about what interests you. If what you’re writing about doesn’t interest you, your words will show it and it won’t interest your readers. Even worse, people won’t connect with your writing on an emotional level.
Once you discover your passion, you need to decide on an objective. Let’s take a food blog, for example. Do you want to make people laugh with your attempts at learning to cook and the deep relationship you’ve developed with your fire alarm? Or do you want to teach people tricks of the trade? Do you want your blog to be a place where you can share recipes and connect through food? Or do you want to help people who are looking to cook on a budget or prepare healthy meals when they’re elbow deep in meetings and diaper changes?
You’ve got the passion and you’ve nailed your objective, now you need to inject yourself into those stories. After all, your unique perspective is what’s going to separate your blog from the 15,478 other blogs just like it. Only you can tell a story in your voice. Your own way. Be you. That authenticity – from the heart – is what will set you apart from the rest of the blogging world.
All that’s left to do now is write! I’m not going to rattle off a bunch of writing tips (that’s another 10 or 20 blog entries), but if you’ve followed the three steps above, you’re off to a good start. Just remember to focus on what you’re passionate about, identify your objective, find your voice and you’ll be all set. Oh, and that raw emotion that ties everything together? That’s your heart. You’ll need plenty of that too.
Head over to the SITS Girls for more great tips!

You for sure practice what you preach. I love your blog because it is written from your heart! Great Advice and keep up the good work mama!!!
Thank you for the advice! I definitely need to write more.
It is hard sometimes to get into the groove! Once I get rolling though, I’m golden!
Excellent article! You have included some of the best blogging tips i’ve seen yet! Thanks!
Thanks! I’m glad it was helpful!
Well said…great tips!
It’s funny you should say that. Well… not really. But that’s not the point.
My mom is a writer – well…. not so much… she’s a ‘please cut your book in half so we can publish it’ writer that couldn’t find the place to cut it, so it never got published… my thoughts are… write what you know, because since then she hasn’t been able to find her groove. Surely if you write what you know (which in my case is about NOTHING – who said the older I get the less I know [teenagers opinions of parents excluded]) because what you know is felt and understood by the reader, who can then either relate, or empathise, and will want to come back for more.
(Or runs like hell in the other direction, but either way they were on your page in the first place!)
Thank you for this excellent post. Came over via SITS and everything you said is so true. 🙂
Thank you for the great advice! SITS has been a wonderful support system and & am so grateful!
Great tips, thank you
I couldn’t agree with this post more! Fantastic tips – thank you for putting it all together. I’m over from SITS and can’t wait to check out the rest of your blog!
Yes, you are absolutely right! The posts that I get the most responses to are the ones that I was completely and utterly genuine about, almost to the point of being ‘raw’. Thanks for the reminder!
PS I swung over from SITS
PPS I LOVE your blog banner, it is so damn cute!
Great tips and so very true. I find I get the biggest response from readers when I’m writing about something raw and emotional and from a completely honest place in life. Similarly, I’m always looking for bloggers whose words touch me to my core. I mean, why else do we do this, right?
Found you via SITS today; thank you for this!
I agree. Thank you so much. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out which way to go but I am getting there. Hopefully one day I can be successful like you all.
Good advice! If I’m not feeling it, I can’t write about it. Looking forward to checking out your blog…I’m visiting from SITS.
Great tips. Really good advice.
Thanks for a some great tips. Talk about motivation! That really put a smile on my face and encourages me to be the best I can be. I’m just getting familiar with SITS and found my way to your blog and I’m glad I did. High five sister!
These are great tips thanks for sharing. Stopping by from SITS
In from SITS and really enjoyed your post, it got right to the heart of the matter. On the issue of finding your voice, off course once found it, you need to hope like crazy it sounds good:-) A voice, is not a voice, is not a voice? Seriously though, great advice. Off to read more posts!
Glad you all enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by!
Hello, I am here from SITS also, and so glad to have found your blog and your wonderful advice. I am so glad to hear you say to write from your heart because that’s what I find myself doing and I thought I was probably doing it all wrong. I am new to blogging and have always wanted to write. Thanks for sharing!!
You speak the truth! I absolutely love your blog! I’ve been following you on Twitter for awhile, but I just started following you a bit more closely from the new I love Blogging google+ group – now I am following you everywhere! I have tweeted you, stumbled you, you name it. (sounds a little dirty, but I am harmless!)
lol! You made me laugh out loud. Glad have you in the group and looking forward to getting to know you better!
These are such great tips. I have been neglecting my blogs but I remembered why I started them and I am going to start giving them the attention that they need.