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Remember when your mom used to tell you to put on a jacket when heading outside in cold weather so you don’t catch a cold? Your mom was right about a lot of things, but on that bit of advice, she was just plain wrong. And although some of mom’s wisdom really was backed by doctor recommended insight, there are plenty of winter health myths that deserve to be busted once and for all.
MYTH: You lose most of your heat through your head, which is why it’s important to wear a hat. (You lose heat through lots of different parts of your body, not just your head.)
MYTH: You don’t need sunscreen in the winter. (Nope. Just because it’s cold outside, that doesn’t mean the sun isn’t emitting UV rays.)
MYTH: You shouldn’t exercise in the cold. (While this is a nice excuse to stay indoors and pack on a few winter pounds, getting outside in the winter isn’t bad for you. In fact, it’s GOOD for you!)
So now that we’re aware of a few cold-weather myths, what can you do to stay healthier in the winter? Below are some things I’ve been doing to keep my family’s health in tip-top shape this season:
SLEEP RIGHT AND EAT RIGHT – To keep your immune system in firing on all cylinders, be sure to get plenty of rest and eat a healthy, balanced diet. One of my go-to dietary staples in the winter are smoothies. They’re easy to make, they’re delicious, and they’re loaded with vitamins. (See the “Very Berry Smoothie” I made below. The recipe is at the bottom.)
WASH YOUR HANDS – Washing your hands is important throughout the year, but it’s even more important in the winter when communicable diseases like the cold are running rampant. Also important: Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands and be sure to use plenty of moisturizer to prevent your hands from drying and cracking (which can make you more susceptible to illness).
USE PROBIOTICS – Probiotics are the “good bacteria” your body needs for digestive system balance. You can get them in many yogurts, but you can also take probiotics in daily caplet form. During the winter (and throughout the year), I use a natural probiotic called insync from CVS. It’s a gradual release probiotic that’s doctor recommended and filled with six natural probiotics.
For more information about insync probiotics, check out their website. Also feel free to follow them on Facebook or Twitter for news and updates!

- 2 cups of mixed berries
- A handful of fresh spinach
- 1½ cups of Greek yogurt
- 1 cup of milk
- Blend all ingredients until smooth
- Enjoy!

Handwashing is definitely my number one disease fighter! The kids complain but they do it. So far, not so bad. Really should step up my game with probiotics, though. Good reminder!
I think getting enough sleep is so under-rated by so many people. Sleep is so important.
that smoothie looks great – I will definitely try it- Ive been craving one lately! I think the probiotics are important too – especially with all we know about them now!
What a yummy recipe, I’ll have to give it a whirl 🙂 Interesting myth busters, too!
The smoothie looks amazing! I love adding chia seeds to my smoothies for an extra health boost.
I use probiotics and I’ve actually stocked my freezer with some great items for smoothies! Now to make them…
I use probiotics in ours too and we have noticed a significant increase in how good we feel!
I use probiotics and love making smoothies too. I will be trying your recipe too!
my biggest tips? WASH YOUR HANDS!
We are big handwashers here! I also think probiotics are a “must”
I love getting outside in the winter time. It makes me feel good and I get that big dose of natural Vitamin D which lifts my mood. I wash my hands a lot too!
I feel so much better after using probiotics! They are definitely worth taking. I like to open a window every now and then in the winter. It helps to get rid of that stuffy air.
That smoothie looks so yummy. Great tips.
Your very berry smoothie looks excellent, and I love the tips! I actually had always thought that you lose most of your warmth through your head. Thanks for the myth-bust! 😀
This looks like a really great and healthy way to start the day!
These smoothies look oh so good!! I’ll be trying this soon!
oh my goodness, that smoothie looks delish and full of lots of great things for the body… top a probiotic on top and you are set. Thanks so much
I seriously can not wait to try the shakes, they look amazing!
Looks delicious! I am gonna try it for sure!
I have never thought about putting spinach in my smoothie. What a great way t add another serving of veggies to your day!
That smoothie looks so yummy. I love them! I think adding probiotics to your diet is really important.
I almost wish the exercising in winter myth was true! LOL…it is super hard sometimes to get motivated to get outside and get some physical activity (even for just a little bit) when it’s 1 degree out! LOL
That smoothie looks so good! It has really been hard for me to be motivated with our super freezing winter. I need to exercise.
That smoothie looks amazing!!
Thanks for these friendly and healthy reminder! There is no doubt that winter can predispose us to some poor health choices and we should be sober enough to keep ourselves on guard against sedentary lifestyle. 🙂
Great smoothies. Probiotics are a good idea
This smoothie looks great, sounds good right now!
That smoothie looks great!
Lots of great tips to stay healthy this winter. The smoothie looks so yummy.
Mmm… these remind me of a kind of “lassi” drink I used to order from my favorite curry house!
Love all the tips. I take a probiotic too every day. Am convinced it’s how I managed to stay healthy while my brood got sick this winter.
We’re big fans of probiotics here! I love to make homemade yogurt and use it in smoothies, but it doesn’t always happen. Pill form is the next best (and very convenient) thing!
I really do need to get on that probiotics bandwagon. I also need to have a smoothie just like yours!
I enjoyed this post on many levels. I liked the myth buster portion and I liked the photo of the beautiful smoothie drink.
Those smoothies are great. I do believe in having the right amount of probiotics in your system and I’m glad it’s being promoted now.
I love Greek yogurt and berries! I think I would love the smoothie. 🙂
The Smoothie looks delicious! So refreshing! It has all the ingredients I like.
These are some great tips and that smoothie looks delicious! #client
Those are some great tips! That berry smoothie recipe looks delish, I actually have those ingredients in my fridge right now so I may have to try it later today 😉 Thanks for sharing! #client
Thanks for the smoothie recipe – me and my older girls were just talking about making smoothies tomorrow! And probiotics are a MUST in our home all winter long!!
I’ve just started making smoothies and this one looks delicious! I will definitely be trying it!
I love smoothies. This one looks fantastic