When you think of the holidays, what food comes to mind? Cookies? Wine? Mom’s Christmas ham? Wine? All four are acceptable answers, but how ‘bout pizza? Probably not, but I think about pizza at least three times a day so, for me, pizza pairs well with just about any holiday. I recently suggested a Christmas-themed […]
From the moment I became pregnant, my husband and I chronicled our journey together in a personal blog. When I decided to launch Motherhood on the Rocks, our other blog went into retirement. So I’ve decided to pull some of our old posts out of the vault and share them here. This one is from […]
Valentine’s Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup Recipe
Is there any meal more comforting on a cold winter day than grilled cheese and tomato soup? Warm up your family’s hearts this Valentine’s Day with some grilled Mozelle sandwiches and creamy homemade tomato soup (Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think!). Add a glass of wine or two to top off this delicious dinner […]

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