This is a sponsored post written on behalf of PPL Electric Utilities. All opinions expressed in this post and blog are my own. #ProjectEnvolve #GetEnvolved #TasteTheEnergySavings By now, you’re probably aware that I’m part of an ongoing series of blog entry for Project Envolve, which is sponsored by PPL Electric Utilities. Each entry in the […]
One Day of Grilling: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Dessert (Yes, Dessert!)
#ad Scoring Delicious Tailgating Food with Tyson Buffalo Chicken Strips
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client. I might have mentioned it in the past, but I LOVE FOOTBALL. My favorite part about football season (besides the football, of course) is the […]
Chicken Pizzaiola Recipe #CookClassico
Like I said before, I am a quasi-clean eater and a stickler for healthy ingredients. This Valentine’s Day was no different. Challenged to come up with a delicious Valentine’s Day dinner – one that would please everyone and yet wouldn’t have me slaving in the kitchen for hours – this Chicken Pizzaiola recipe was the […]
Giving Thanks for I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!
Here I am in my late twenties (okay fine, early thirties) and I have yet to cook a Thanksgiving dinner. So far, that duty has always been proudly claimed by my mother. When will the turkey torch be passed to me? I’m not sure, but for now I’m perfectly happy with my “dessert and a […]
Beyond Apple Pie: 30 Unique Apple Recipes
Fall is nipping at our heels. With fall comes football, cooler weather, pumpkins, soup and apples! Since apple season is in full swing, I figured I’d look for some delicious apple recipes to share with you all. When I first started this blog entry, I was set on finding the best apple recipes – apple […]
I know it’s technically still summer and all, but with fall right on our heels, I’ve been craving soup lately. Although this chicken fajita soup recipe isn’t as quick as the recipes I usually post, it’s so easy and delicious that I just had to share. The chicken, peppers, beans and tomatoes add so much […]

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