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Over the course of the blog, I’ve shared a lot of ways to help you save on your two most precious commodities – time and money. Whether it’s finding that 25th hour or making your windows more energy efficient, I’m constantly looking for tips to help you manage your time and finances better. After all, couldn’t we all use a little extra of both? Today, I’m sharing 6 ways to help you save a little more time this summer.

Regardless of whether your a work-outside-the-home mom, work-at-home mom or stay-at-home mom, you have a jam-packed schedule, especially in the summertime. You’re busy. I get it. And accidentally scheduling a play date on the same date as your company picnic (or filling your schedule so much that mowing the lawn is yet again placed on the back burner) happens to the best of us. Well here are 6 tips to help things go a little bit smoother.

Keep one family calendar – You can still use your iPhone or whatever calendar system you currently have, but also keep a family calendar that anyone can check to make sure you’re not overlapping activities. Teach your kids (and if your husband is anything like mine, him too) to put their activities on the calendar as soon as they learn about them, or at least tell you so you can write it down.

Hire someone – They say it takes a village. Well “they” are right! If you’re constantly falling behind on cleaning the house, your grass is so high that your kids get lost when playing, or your dog seems to have packed on a few, hire someone to help out. There’s no shame in it. And although it’s a little extra money out of your pocket, it’ll be a huge weight off your back.

Schedule a meeting with yourself – Keep forgetting to make that appointment for a teeth cleaning or to return that shirt you bought on an impulse buy? Schedule a “meeting” on your iPhone to do it over lunch or after work. It won’t make the task any easier, but you’ll finally remember to do it.

Read before bed to unwind – I can’t count how many magazines I’ve thrown away because they sat and collected dust. Or how about the book you keep wanting to read, but every time you remember to pick it up, you’re lost because you haven’t read it in so long? Take 20 or 30 minutes before bed each night to flip through a magazine or read a book. It’s amazing how quickly you can work through a book when you take a little time a few nights a week. Plus it’s a great way to unwind.

Make waiting in line productive – Life is a big game of hurry up and wait. You rush to the doctor’s office, bank or grocery store only to wait and wait and wait. Make that time productive – write out your grocery list, plan the menu for the week, make an appointment, send an email, clean out your purse/wallet. There are countless tasks that will only take 2 minutes. I’m sure you can find something to do.

Relax – You can’t do it all. Sometimes things just don’t get done and that’s OK. You don’t have to be SuperMom to be a super mom.

There you have it, people. Six little tips to help you manage what little bit of precious time we have in a day. Want more tips? Check out Finding the 25th Hour or tips on making grocery shopping less painful.

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  1. I like these tips, especially about taking time and the end of the day, to unwind. I too have magazines collecting dust 🙂 I do however try to multitask as much as possible, More than once, my husband has said ” are you really cleaning out your coupon binder in the dentist office?” LOL This was an excellent post, thank you!

  2. What great tips!Hire someone- I couldn’t agree more. I hire a babysiter and it is the best decision ever. We need to make time for ourselves!

  3. Great tips. My favorite is make time while waiting. I always try to do this. I hate standing idle in lines.

  4. Tricia @ Take 10 says:

    These are definitely rules I follow as well!


  1. […] your two most precious commodities – time and money. Whether it's finding that 25th …… #socialbuttonnav li{list-style:none;overflow:hidden;margin:0 […]

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