I’m proud to call myself an ex-smoker. It was a habit that dogged me for about 10 years until, one day, my husband and I decided to quit. Of course, the main reason we did it was because we wanted to start a family.
The rewards that came with quitting (one beautiful baby girl) far outweigh the struggles we endured to accomplish that goal, but it wasn’t easy. Oh boy, was it not easy!
Having my husband along for the ride definitely helped. He quit smoking with me and though there were days when I didn’t think we would make it – or days when I thought we’d kill each other – we kept each other strong and grounded. In fact, I think our relationship is actually stronger because of it.
Although it wasn’t around when we quit, services like “Blueprint to Quit” would have definitely helped us in our journey away from cigarettes. Blueprint to Quit is a comprehensive quit-smoking program available exclusively at Walmart. What’s great about it is that it’s more than just nicotine gum and a pamphlet. Smokers who sign up have access to online behavioral support resources, including trained experts. In other words, you’ll have a team of real people in your corner to help you every step of the way.
Also included in the blueprint is a variety of quitting materials and self-assessment tools, as well as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to help curb cravings and withdrawal symptoms. I don’t EVER plan to start smoking again, but it’s nice to know that there are resources out there like Blueprint to Quit for those who want kick the habit – for good!
Even though we’ve been smoke free for three years and our little one is now two, I still have cravings. Some days, it’s still a struggle. I reach for my cigarettes in the car. I crave a cigarette after meals. I long for a mid-afternoon break in the middle of stressful day.
But my days as a smoker? They’re over. And every time I look at my daughter, I remember why I stopped smoking. I did it so I could have her in my life, but also so that she could have me in her life – for as long as humanly possible. So that she could have a mother who will never need to say “do as I say, not as I do.” So that she could have a mother who endured a painful experience so she will never have to.
Way to go on quitting! It really is so gross and I say that as a daughter of someone that has smoked for 35+ years! I wish my dad would quit so bad 🙁
You should share this resource with him. Most people, like myself, also want to quit, but they know it’s going to be so hard! It’s great to find a resource that makes that process a little easier.
Congrats on quitting! I could’ve used that blueprint a few times! I have quit (for the third time) May 27th. I’m hoping that is the last time!
Congrats! Wow! You’re getting stronger and stronger! Over 4 months. You can do it!
Way to go!
There are a lot of great ways to quit now. I’ve heard rave review about hypnosis.
I actually tried hypnosis once and it didn’t work for me unfortunately. But I did hear it works for some.
Way to go! My dad was a smoker and quit when we were kids. It took him a while, but he finally did it. Now, he can’t stand the smell of cigarette smoke!
YAY for you! I have never been a smoker, but my husband was and he struggled for a while trying to quit. Happy to say that it has been over 2.5 years since he’s had a cigarette! Congrats to you!
My husband and I both recently quit smoking too! About 5 months ago. It was one of the hardest things to do, but having each other to lend support and encouragement really helped! It does sound like this system could really help people to quit, although the is the first I have ever heard of it. To anyone who now smokes and is considering quitting…DO IT! It is amazing how much better you will feel and smell! Congrats on having quit for so long!!
I will be sharing this with my baby sister. She wants to quit and has done well, but sometimes she falls back to it.
That is awesome! My parents have quit hundreds of times haha they need help; they definitely can’t do it alone. I am so glad I have never smoked because I have a very addictive personality
Way to go – I am an ex smoker as well – quitting is the hardest part
great job on quitting smoking
Congrats on kicking the habit and thanks for sharing!
Congratulations on quitting!
Go you for kicking the habit! That’s truly awesome and impressive!