15 Tips to Organize Your Life with a Label Maker #Ptouch25

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I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Brother P-touch. I received a product samples to facilitate my review and promotional item as a thank you for participating.

label collage 2

I’m the queen of organization. My husband would probably call it anal or annoying, but I’m sure he appreciates it when he’s looking for the scissors (they’re always in the craft bin) or the envelopes (ummm…check the drawer labeled envelopes). This is the reason I was super excited to test out Brother P-touch’s label maker. This is also the reason I’m shocked that we still have boxes that are unopened from moving into our house 4 years ago, but that’s an entry for another day.

Last November, I also talked about how I was using my label maker to teach my daughter Spanish – I’ve found many more things to label with Spanish words and phrases since – No abre la ventana en el invierno! The Brother P-touch label maker was also an organizers dream come true during the holidays. I was able to label our Christmas bins (no more opening box after box to see if this one was in fact the ornaments) and holiday leftovers (was this the ham was from Thanksgiving or Christmas?).

With the holidays behind us, I found many more uses for the label maker. So how else can a label maker make your life easier? Let me count the ways…

  1. If you have kids like my daughter, you have tons of toys and they often get thrown into one big toy box and the small ones fall down to the bottom to never be seen or played with again. I solved this problem (and the perpetual questions about lost Mrs. Potato Head pieces) by getting the plastic bins with drawers. One drawer for dolls, one for little doll clothes, one for little cars and so on. By labeling these, I can help my daughter to learn to recognize words (the dolls vs the cars) and ensure things return to the proper place so next time we pull out Mrs. Potato Head, we don’t spend an hour looking for an eye.
  2. I love making big meals on the weekends, but often that huge pans of lasagna or the giant crockpot of chili doesn’t get eaten before it starts to grow mysterious organisms, so I freeze it into smaller portions and we have a delicious meal that heats up easily at a later date. So I label them with the name of the dish and date, so as to avoid freezer burnt pasta. Yuck!
  3. As above, labeling things in the freezer is helpful. If you buy big packages of meat, you can do the same as above.
  4. Just as I’m doing with teaching Spanish, you can label objects around the house in English to help your child learn how to read
  5. You can also label cords. I have a mess of cords behind my TV and when I have to unplug the HDMI cable to watch something on the computer, it can be quite the test. You can also label cords that aren’t used all the time and lay in your drawer (camera cord, LeapPad charger, phone chargers, computer cords, etc).

Now for some quick ideas. You can label:

  1. Office files
  2. Boxes in storage
  3. Children’s shoes with “left” and “right”
  4. Flash drives
  5. Spices
  6. Jars of baking ingredients
  7. Binders
  8. Homework folders
  9. Pantry and linen closet shelves
  10. Craft and art supplies

As you can see the ideas are endless. Want a Brother P-touch label maker of your own? In honor of their 25th anniversary, Brother P-touch is having special promotions and deals at office super stores and other retailers everywhere.


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  1. Being organized helps me stay on track. I hate it when I have to search for something I need at the moment! I would love to have a great label maker!

  2. I want a label maker so bad. My husband laughs at me. He knows I will probably go label crazy for awhile then forget about it.

  3. I’ve had a label maker for about a year now and am surprised by just how many great uses I have found for it.

  4. I need a label maker here.

  5. I’d totally go crazy and start labeling everything I own! I am going to have to invest in one of these this year for sure!

  6. Being organized keeps me on track too. I have a place for everything. It may not be labeled yet but I sure know where it is!

  7. my kids want to know EVERYTHING in spanish lately so i was thinking of using my label makers for that purpose too!! great minds think alike

  8. AWESOME ideas to organize.. I love my label maker I use it over and over and over.. couldn’t live without it thats for sure. I also use it to label all things in both German and english to teach the words to the kids… thanks for sharing

  9. I really need to get me a label maker. I’m trying my best to get more organized in my home office & this will help with making folders for home bills vs work bills. Thanks for the reminder!

  10. Oh I neeeeed a label maker!! I have wanted one for so long.

  11. I need to get a new one. Use labels all the time!

  12. great tips, love my label maker – keeps me so orgnaized!

  13. Organizational tools are my guilty pleasure. I was always the student that loved getting and reading a syllabus, browsing the bookstore and filing stuff. I really need one of these!

  14. I use my label maker so much that it’s currently broken! I love that thing, helps us so much.

  15. We are near approaching the time to move our two girls into one room. A label maker will be of paramount importance!

  16. I could really use one in my scrapbooking supply section. I made my own labels, but they’re peeling off and need replaced!

  17. I like the creative uses for the label maker. A label maker may seem like such a little thing, but it does make life better.

  18. I have a label maker and love using it. I especially like how you have all the types of sugars labeled,

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