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I’ve been reading Parent Society for a while now. I love it – they give advice to moms and dads from moms and dads. Their writers are incredible. They manage to reel you in with a personal story, offer advice on a common mom-related issue and make you laugh all at the same time. The sense of humor is totally mine – edgy and sarcastic – but oh so true.

And now, I’m one of their contributors! I’m so super excited to be joining the ranks of these amazing parents and have been bursting at the seams to share it with you guys. Head over and check out my first entry – 9 Things Every New Mom Needs. While you’re there, share your new mom must-haves! And then browse around and check out some of the other contributors as well!

Let me know what you think!

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  1. Wow – that’s awesome!!! Congratulations!!

  2. So fun! Congrats!

  3. Hooray! I like that you put the Hot Dog Dance in your hobbies. I assume the wine drinking comes before the Hot Dog Dancing.

  4. That is so great! Congratulations.

  5. Thant is awesome, congrats!!!

  6. That’s great! Congrats!

  7. That is wonderful! Congratulations!

  8. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!!! I am SO happy for you, you so deserve this!! Congrats!!

  9. Congratulations on your new gig! Make the Bacon Bits proud!

  10. Momma on the Rocks Momma on the Rocks says:

    Thanks, guys! When the entry went up yesterday, I felt like a kid of Christmas morning. It means so much to have all of your support!

  11. Beautiful!!

  12. Congratulations on the new gig! Sounds like you are going to have a lot of fun!

  13. Congrats, sounds great!

  14. Momma on the Rocks Momma on the Rocks says:

    Thanks, ladies!

  15. Go you! This is awesome! I can’t wait to hop over and check it out!

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