My daughter acquired the nickname “the diva” before she was even a month old. Thanks to a plethora of clothes purchased by her grammy, her wardrobe was officially larger than both of ours combined. And it still is! She even had us beat in the fancy brand name category. While she was wearing Calvin Klein jackets and DKNY onesies, we were wearing Old Navy jeans and t-shirts purchased in packs of three. Thus the nickname “the diva” was born. Thereafter she has lived up to that moniker in spades.
Here are a few ways in which she optimizes that diva-esqueness (yes, I just made that up).
- She has more shoes and clothes than her parents combined.
- She admires anything that is pink. Or sparkly. If it’s both, it’s now hers.
- Even before the age of two, she prefers particular outfits (extra points if that favorite outfit is pink and sparkly).
- After she pets the dog, she makes a grossed out face and wipes her hands on her shirt.
- Getting any food, dirt or liquid on her clothes is a “tragedy” and results in tears until it’s properly cleaned up.
- Wiping her hand after a messy meal isn’t a battle – it’s a requirement – more so her’s than ours.
- She has an immense love of shoes. So much so that if you put her in a sandbox, she yells “my shoes, my shoes!”
Anyone else have a diva on their hands?

DIVA: Dynamic, Interesting, Vivacious, Awesome
Amen, sister!
Mason is all of those MINUS the pink and sparkly 🙂 Number 5 is so him…he for sure has a lot of his mom in him. What is a boy Diva?
I have no idea! He is so adorable! <3
I think we’re treading in safe water for now. 🙂
Lucky duck!
Ha! So cute. I love #4. hehe.
Thanks for visiting, Shawna!
She sounds like a doll! Rockin’ out those packs of 3 tees right there with you–we’ll let her be the diva for us all 😉
She’ll have to be! We can’t afford 2 divas! lol
#4 is really funny! Yep she is a Diva.
My daughter(age6) is also a Diva. She loves clothes, sparkles, PINK, and anything frilly. She also picks out her own clothes and also chooses what her brothers are going to wear that day.
ha! That’s funny that she picks out the clothes for her brothers! Maybe she’ll grow up to be a stylist!
My daughter was a diva when she was younger, but as she’s gotten older, she’s become more of a tom boy. Although when shopping for school supplies she couldn’t resist the pink sparkly school supplies!
Glad I’m not alone!
Makes me happy I have boys! New follower from Finding the Funny hop. Glad I found ya!
Thanks for stopping by!
Princess Nagger definitely has her Diva moments! 🙂 Your little Diva is adorable! 🙂
Thanks, Stacy!
ha! i’ve got two girls and they fall under numbers 4-6. but with us, it’s probably more because of the fact that we’re germaphobes with a touch of ocd.
I have two boys…which means rocks, dead leaves, bugs, and dirt all over my house…!
Oh boy! You have your hands full!
She is a DOLLBABY!
Stopped in and read your SITS post and had to read this one — I think I definitely have a diva on my hands! She has way more shoes than I do, and more named brand clothes… LOL
Funny how that works out, right? I used to love all the latest styles. Now she has them and I..umm..don’t.
I wish my little girl was like this, since im girl. She has a ton of pink girly glittery things, But she is most definitely not a diva 🙁 How about an article on how to make my toddler be more girly? haha
lol! My friend’s daughter was such a tomboy when she was younger and now she’s the prissiest little thing. It’s funny how much they change over time.
Well, My daughter isn’t COMPLETELY diva, but she definitely has more clothes, shoes and SUNGLASSES. She wont leave the house without her awesome shades on. But we call her a rockstar lol.
Rockstar is cute, too! My little breaks all her sunglasses and then tries to get me to fix them. Thinking I need to stock up on some super glue and scotch tape for this summer.
My daughter is 13months and a total diva!!! Just last week while shopping she saw a pair of glittery pink shoes ran over to them sat down and tried putting them on over her boots. When her daddy went to pick her up she screamed yelling mine!!!!!! Needless to say she now has pretty pink glittered that are her “pitties”
That’s totally something my diva would do! You can’t help but laugh.
Glad I have a boy! More cute clothes for me! 🙂
Number 7 is so funny, and totally my Alyssa. Only difference is, she won’t even get in the sand box. haha
For a moment I thought you were taking of my daughter. Lol