20 Pumpkin Carving Templates (and Seed Recipes!)

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Pumpkins Carving Templates

Halloween is upon us – only 10 days until the big night! Have you carved your pumpkin, yet? No? Well, you’re in luck. I’ve compiled 20 awesome pumpkin carving templates from around the web to get you started. Simply print them out, tape them to your pumpkin and trace the lines!

Disney has some really loveable characters, while others are little spookier. While you’re checking these out, be sure to poke around the websites for other templates you might like to carve up.

In addition, I’m sharing some tasty pumpkin seed recipes that you can cook up while you get cracking on that pumpkin. Enjoy!


  1. Bat
  2. Ghost
  3. Scaredy Ghost
  4. Skellington
  5. Kermit
  6. Mickey
  7. Minnie
  8. Snow White
  9. Winnie the Pooh
  10. Lightning McQueen
  11. Rapunzel
  12. Stitched Up
  13. Jeepers Creepers
  14. Funny Face
  15. Silly Face
  16. Horned Grin
  17. Wide Smile
  18. Trick or Treat
  19. Alien
  20. Spider


  1. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
  2. Toasted Pumpkin Seeds with Sugar and Spice
  3. Carmelized Pumpkin Seeds
  4. Garlic Pumpkin Seeds
  5. Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

Check out more pumpkin seed recipes from Slap Dash Mom!

Plus Halloween Costumes and Kids Crafts below!

Halloween Costumes

Halloween Crafts


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  1. Thanks for the great ideas! Hubby will like the pumpkin seed recipes! Happy Halloween!

  2. My SIL loves baked pumpkin seeds.. I love the pumpkin carving templates. We are always looking for something new

  3. I love all your ideas! We are going to carve our pumpkin on Wed. Thanks- I never know what to do with all the seeds:)

  4. I don’t carve pumpkins but if I did, I would definitely use this resource to find a good pattern. Lots of great ideas here!

  5. Pinned this! We still need to get pumpkins for carving. I am sooo going to use one of these!

  6. Thanks for sharing these. We are carving our pumpkins this weekend, I have bookmarked you so we can come back and get these templates

  7. Love the carving ideas. My aunt is the person who loves carving pumpkins in our family so I’m bookmarking this for her!

  8. I will have to try the recipes. We don’t have kids so we rarely carve pumpkins, but we usually buy some after Halloween to use the seeds. My hubby LOVES them.

  9. Awesome post! I love pumpkin seeds and always love seeing new recipes. I do not like pumpkin carving though, lol. It is so messy!

  10. LOVE this post!

  11. You rock! My husband is in charge of pumpkin-carving around here, but I’m sharing this with him. He’s always asking for ideas, so this is perfect!

  12. Anita Anderson says:

    that is so cool. My son wanted to crave one but he wanted a scary face pumpkin. Wish I had seen this before.

  13. Thanks so much for posting this.

  14. Those are so AWESOME! Maybe I can get the husband to do something awesome with carving. (I’m not really trusted with sharp knives. 😉 )

  15. I am so terrible at carving pumpkins! I always think I want to do them but then halfway through, I think “Why did I think I could do this?” LOL

  16. that minnie mouse one is awesome!

  17. Thanks for posting such great recipes and ideas. I love the pumpkin carving templates.

  18. Such great ideas! I really like the scared pumpkin. Soo cute!

  19. christina says:

    just love it …thanks

  20. Carving pumpkins and eating pumpkin seeds, two of my favorite activities! Great collection of templates and recipes.

  21. thanks so much for the template links! we are using them!

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