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I’m sure like most parents, my daughter is my world. She is the sweetest little girl and as she gets older her personality just shines. I plan to make sure she feels beautiful and strong, confident and self-sufficient, but also compassionate and loving. To always handle herself with class. Aside from that, here are 10 things I hope she knows inherently as she becomes a woman some day. Yes, I am her mom first, but I also hope to be a confidante – one that she can come to for advice and guidance.

1. You are my world. You’re the light one my face and the air that I breathe. That will never change.

2. I will always be there for you. No matter what you need, you can always count on me.

3. I will have your back. No matter what.

4. No matter where you are in life or what stage you are facing, I will be your constant.

5. Your dreams are my dreams. I will always do whatever I can to help you achieve them.

6. No one is as important to me as you. You will always be my #1.

7. I will never abandon you.

8. You will always be the most beautiful person in my life.

9. I will never lie to you. Ever.

10. You are my heart. Always.

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  1. What an amazing list! The Diva is one lucky little girl. You are such a great mom 🙂 People should have to agree to these to become a mom!

  2. This gave me tears. This is absolutely beautiful.

  3. So sweet! I feel the same way about my little one. It’s so crucial to let them know that.

  4. Momma on the Rocks Momma on the Rocks says:

    Thanks guys!

  5. <333 i need to do a list like this for my son! what a great idea

  6. I really love this every wrote this list, with some tweaks ( i have mental illnesd and two kids, they cant both be the MOST important) in my journal. The 1 I keep so when my daughter is older she can see that I really do know what it’s like to be a young.


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